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Couples counselling in Turku – relationship in crisis

Time to time when facing challenges in everyday life couples’ communication gets stuck. The feeling of loneliness can be part of such a situation. When the relationship seems to be going downhill couples counselling in Turku can help you to get back on track.

If you are looking for a couples counselling in Turku

Contact me!

In couples counseling we look at your relationship from both partner’s sides starting with the very beginning of your relationship. During the counseling you both will have space to communicate your feelings and hopes, which will make it easier for yourselves to understand your own needs.

The aim of couples counseling is to learn to listen and understand each other as well as train your skills to express yourself. Couples counseling will also help you to set clear relationship goals.

Couples counseling is suitable for couples who feel that their relationship is failing. All couples, including same-sex and nonmonogamous couples, will find a safe space in my counselling to work through their challenges.

You can benefit from couples counseling

  • when your partner seems distant
  • when you seem to have nothing in common anymore
  • when your communication seems to get stuck
  • if you have thought about divorce

Solmuja parisuhteessa® – couples counseling (Knots in relationship)

Solmuja parisuhteessa® -couples counseling was developed by Kataja ry. This couples counseling method relies on 8 to 10 appointments during which the couple focuses on the history, present and future of their relationship. The angle of view varies from one appointment to other. Together these angles build a baseline which can be used as a solid ground when solving the problem.

Solmuja parisuhteessa® -couples counseling requires engaged will to work between the appointments, too. There is material to read as well as homework to do regarding the subject of the appointments. Some of the exercises are made individually, some together as a couple.

Solmuja parisuhteessa® -couples counseling stresses the importance of the clear communication. Therefore improving these skills will be the main focus of the couples counseling.

Relationship crises – mini-intervention

Relationship crises – mini-intervention is aimed at couples in an acute crisis situation. 2-3 meetings focus on the acute crisis situation in question. This brief counselling is based on the Solmuja parisuhteessa® method.